Monday, February 14, 2011

One down 49 to go.....

Tonight I began my 50 in 50 mile journey. In 50 days I will turn 50......I pledged to run a mile everyday ....with the final 50th mile on my birthday. That was several weeks ago.

My niece Kristine and my sister Nita and I were having a lovely dinner tonight when I realized today is day one. If I was really going to do this, this is the day I must start. Crap. I forgot all about it. Hmm.....It's dark....I just finished dinner.....maybe I won't do the 50 in 50 after all. If it wasn't for Kristine, I would have abandoned the idea that has been brewing for several weeks, went home, put on my PJ's, turned on the TV and watched Intervention.

Kristine said she'd run the mile with me. Instead of PJ's I donned my running shoes and we did it. The first couple of minutes are always the fact the first mile is always the hardest. We ran half a mile out and came back, high fived and felt FANTASTIC!

I am also committing to completing 50 race miles this I type this Kristine is trying to talk me into signing up for "The Warrior Dash", website describes it as "3.08 Hellish Miles".....I'll have to think about this one....

One mile down, 49 to go, Whoo Hooo!!


  1. Yeah!!! You inspire me!!! :D

    ESPECIALLY if you do the Warrior Dash and Urban Run :D But no pressure or anything... :D

  2. So excited!!! Teen told me you really did it and I was all jazzed!!!
