I'm wearing those lame shoes because all the cute sandals I brought with me hurt the baby toe, so I'm stuck in ugly shoes and lame jeans.
We did a little window shopping, ate fire grilled pizza for lunch and of course......a little wine tasting. Met "Coach Jimmy" and his girlfriend (a totally fit firefighter who thinks we are brave because we are running a half marathon, and she would never attempt such a huge feat). Jimmy is a teacher at a Las Vegas middle school (now that's brave) he's one of the coaches for "Team Challenge" benefiting the fight against Crohn's and Colitis disease. We had a very nice chat with them while drinking our wine and eating pizza, sitting in the shade. Good Times.
Just to share some of the awesomeness of the day:
Soon to be wine.......
Met the rest of team "Running Winos" for dinner, Italian of course, plenty of pasta, plenty of bread, yum yum! Unfortunately half of the Winos did not make it up to Napa due to work and health issues, but Monica, Monique, Alicia and I will do us proud!
Thing #11, saw the sights of wine country.
What a CUTE picture of you and Alicia! Hope you guys had a fun weekend!