Friday, July 15, 2011


Running Buddy Alicia and I arrived in wine country early this evening, in preparation for the Napa to Sonoma half marathon on Sunday. 

Driving up we talked about our favorite place to eat in San Francisco, Fuzio.  We discovered it with Helen C and Pam in 2009 while in town for the San Francisco half, and have joked about flying up sometime just to eat at Fuzio and then go to Ghirardelli Square for Kara's Cupcakes.

And then I had an epiphany.....why not drive over to SF and eat there for dinner?  Well I can think of several reasons why not.  #1 I've never driven the streets of San Fran.  #2 I'm afraid to drive the streets of San Fran.  #3 I don't want to drive the streets of San Fran.  #4 San Fran has A LOT of one way streets.  #5 How am I ever going to get parked in San Fran.  #6 it would require driving over the Bay Bridge and I don't want to do that either.

But the food at Fuzio is so good......

And I have committed to doing 51 new and possibly uncomfortable things this year.

And it is now July.


Dang I am lousy at the holding the phone and taking a picture of myself thing

Thing #9, Drove over the Bay Bridge, (was very, very, cool)

Thing #10 Drove the streets of San Francisco (was very intimidating, but we got through it with the help of my trusty Garmin and only had to go around the block like 2 times).

Amazing how doing the thing that really scares you can be so rewarding.....well and we did get to have a delicious dinner that we've talked about for 2 years now!  Lots of yums, mmmmmmmss, and this is soooo goods, were heard at our table.

We did not get cupcakes though, I am not brave enough to drive that deep into San Fran. besides, I think they have a location in Napa..... 

Tomorrow we pick up our race packets and do a little exploring....I think I'll count "explored Napa" as thing #11.

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